Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My own personal news blackout

In quite a fragile emotional state when I embarked on this journey, I decided not to read the news (at least for the time being) which was a dramatic departure for someone who devoured two daily newspapers and a weekly newsmagazine, watched at least one nightly news show, and followed countless Internet feeds.  But I was too distraught and wrapped up in the trauma of my own life and had no capacity to cope with the woes of others.  
Wouldn't it be wonderful...
Now, ten weeks later, it has been a relief to be spared the constant barrage of information we are subject to in the so-called civilized world.  And have I missed that much?  I am aware that Ebola and ISIS are decimating populations, and that George Clooney got married.  Anything else I really need to know?   And even though my load is getting lighter and I am in a good place, my focus of attention has been and will remain unabashedly on ME.

1 comment:

  1. Don't bother with the news. You're not missing anything. I should do the same...
