Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Catching My Breath in Big Sky Country

Seneca said: Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. 
And soothe the soul, I would add.

The American West was all I wished for, offering wide open spaces and phenomenally expansive vistas that allowed me to pause and catch my breath – and then the epic starry nights took it away.

I wanted to immerse myself in the great outdoors and allow it to stimulate the senses of wonder.  Confronted with dangers and comforted by delights of nature, it was exactly the experience I craved, far removed from the office desk, kitchen sink, laundry room, and grocery aisles. 

Montana was particularly good to me, giving up the best of herself in the form of spectacular, spacious skies and amber fields of grain; her gorgeous ranches, rivers and mountain ranges; an authentic lifestyle; and luscious huckleberry ice cream.  

It takes a better photographer with a proper camera to adequately capture the feeling of a Big Sky panorama in pictures, but here is my attempt: 

As restorative as it has been, it's time to move on…the aspen and cottonwood foliage is in full fall glory, and there is snow at higher elevations. Halloween is almost here, and I even saw today at the store – egads! – Christmas decorations for sale.  Campgrounds are closing, seasonal businesses are boarding up, there is a definite chill in the morning air, and the wicked katabatic is kicking up.  This is a gusty arctic downslope wind that can blow up to 95 mph (150 kph) and turn this Paradise Valley town into a winter purgatory.

The tropical temps, balmy breezes, and colorful flora and fauna of Costa Rica are beckoning and promise continued healing….

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