Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Road Trip Redux

The journey not the arrival matters.

--T.S. Eliot

West Coast, South Island, New Zealand

Driftwood galore

Just me and the gulls that day

No comment necessary

Wild and windswept...

...or calm as this...

the West Coast is beautiful in so many ways

This must be one of the few places where you can go from a glacier through the rainforest to the beach in 30 minutes.

Kiwi Xing

Love these mornings as much as...

...these kinds of days

Motukeikei rocks!

Pancake Rocks: stacks of limestone pierced by blowholes

This drive is one of top 10 in the world

End of another glorious day and my epic NZ chapter


  1. Most beautiful pics!
    You convinced me to add this destination to my bucket list.
